
The Book Club is open to all. We are currently meeting on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of every month, (every other Wednesday) 7.30 til whenever, at The Red Wire Studios, 69 Victoria Street, (www.redwireredwire.com).

Every time the text is different, brought by someone different. Text can be a short story, an exerpt, a caption, an article, a poem - anything that has captured your imagination.
Anyone can join in, Everyone is welcome.

We have already covered a wide variety of interesting texts. This blog archives all the texts we have looked at so far... Feel free to read along with us and definitely write your own comments...

Also, please do sign up to the mailing list at the bottom of this page to receive monthly updates and notifications of future meetings.

Monday, 23 March 2009

The Whore of Mensa

Monday 23 March

The Whore of Mensa, from Without Feathers by Woody Allen.
Published by Random House, 1975

Click here to read http://woodyallenitalia.tripod.com/short-uk.html

Selected by Alan Williams

1 comment:

that was almost fun said...

"You'd have to speak with Flossie," she said. "It's cost you." Now was the time to tighten the screws. I flashed my private- investigator's badge and informed her it was a bust.


"I'm fuzz, sugar, and discussing Melville for money is an 802. You can do time."

"You louse!"

"Better come clean, baby. Unless you want to tell your story down at Alfred Kazin's office, and I don't think he'd be too happy to hear it."